Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How 'bout them Jazz?

Can I say finally?!  Gosh, what has been up with this team?  It has been so frustrating as a Jazz fan watching this team lately.  Especially since I'm a season ticket holder and investing in the team!  I hope this isn't just a fluke, I hope that they can carry the momentum forward to Memphis Friday and then on for the rest of the season.  So, do we need Deron hurt permanently to pull together?

And, so far I like this new guy, Gaines.  He seems pretty cool and ready to prove himself.  He didn't play too bad for his first NBA game.  I love what his coach from Idaho said to him...We don't want to see you back here.  Sundiata Gaines...what a name!

First post, nice and short.  What do you think about them Jazz?  Am I the only one that's been frustrated?

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